Biblical Truth
Sin Happens
Sin is not a subject our society likes to talk much about. Even in some religious circles the subject is avoided like the plague. Instead, we prefer to use other terms like; alternate life styles, character flaws, inherited weaknesses and personal preferences. And, we use established rules of social etiquette and conduct to cover it up.

No matter how you personally feel about sin, the Bible is very clear about it. The Scriptures tell us that God hates all sin, no matter what its shape or form. The Bible is also equally clear about the fact that God does not hate the sinner. After all, Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for us sinners, and this was done out of pure love for us (John 3:16).

You may think that you are good enough and don’t have a sin problem. Well, think again! Romans 3:23 tells us that. “All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory”. We all stand guilty before God, no matter how great and praise worthy our humanitarian efforts have been. If we insist we are without sin then 1 John 1:8 speaks out against us and calls us a liar. You cannot wiggle your way out of this - you and I both stand guilty before God. We might as well fess up!

But, regardless of the sin(s) we have committed, God has provided a way out. He has provided a way to have our sin record expunged, erased, eradicated and completely forgiven. He offers us a clean slate with a brand new beginning. This gift from God, however, does not come automatically. It is not forced upon us. It requires a decisive, personal decision - a humble act of accepting God’s free gift of salvation. This decision to accept or reject has some long term consequences; it ultimately leads us to one of two places - Heaven being one of them!  

Sure, we can ignore the sin problem and hope it goes away; but the truth is, it will not go away and someday you and I will stand before a Holy God to give an account. We will not be judged on how good, kind and considerate we have been to others; rather, we will be judged solely on whether or not we have accepted God’s free gift of salvation. Do yourself a favor, don’t ignore or reject this gift, it will keep you out of that other place - Hell!  

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