Biblical Truth
Words Heal And Hurt 

Proverbs 10:11 (NIV) “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.”

Proverbs 10:13 (NIV) “Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgment. Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.”

Proverbs 10:19 (NIV) “When words are many, sin is not absent; but he who holds his tongue is wise.”

Proverbs 10:31, 32 (NIV) “The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be cut out. The lips of the righteous know what is fitting, but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse.”

Proverbs 11:12 (NIV) “A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.”

Proverbs 12:13, 14 (NIV) “An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble. From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him.”

Proverbs 15:4 (NIV) “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”

Proverbs 16:23, 24 (NIV) “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Proverbs 17:27, 28 (NIV) “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.”

Proverbs 27:1, 2 (NIV) “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.”


Hateful, unkind words hurt a lot. They hurt deeply and they can hurt for a life time. I have been on the receiving end of hurtful words and you probably have too. 
I can still remember back when I was kid. I was probably in the 7th grade. I was standing in line during a PE class when the coach threw a basket ball at me and hit be on the side of my face. He yelled out, “Pay attention - FATSO!” Of course, the entire class got a good laugh out of it. That episode was close to 60 years ago and it is still fresh in my mind today. Hurtful words can indeed last a lifetime.

Words are powerful. They can be used to do harm; to degrade and put down; and they can be used to do good; to encourage, uplift and heal. It is all about how we choose to use them. The world is filled with angry, hurtful words. Everyplace you go you hear put-downs, derogatory remarks and angry words. But the Christian, the person of faith, the person who has been forgiven by God, that person should be filled with words of encouragement, healing and forgiveness.

Where do you stand with your words? Are they helping anyone?

“God help me to be filled with healing words of faith. Forgive me for those times when I have become lazy and careless with my tongue.”