We are delighted you found us. Make yourself right at home and feel free to browse around to your heart's delight. Check us out, see if there is something here worth a return visit.
Just to put your mind at ease, this site was not designed to sell you anything! It was not designed to gain any information from you either. The sole purpose for this site is to share with you some basic Biblical truths that will help you in your walk of faith. I refer to these basic truths as my “Faith Anchor Points”. They have helped me through many stormy days.
First, allow me a brief moment to explain our web site layout. Our site is arranged by topics and sub-topics. The page links located on the top page you first entered are the major topics. Just click on the topic you want and you will be directed to the next page. For some topics, a second index page will pop up with page links to sub-topics associated with your selection. You move around the site by simply clicking on the page links and return buttons.
This site is too large to be reviewed in a single sitting. Currently there are close to 80 "snapshots" (pages), with more to come. The basic idea behind our web design is to provide a "Thought-For-The-Day". A Biblical truth you can take with you and mull over and think about while you go about your daily work. You are welcome to come back as many times as you want and you will never be charged a single penny for any of your visits.
Perhaps you are a lot like me. You are logical in your thinking and you like to think things through before committing to anything. You may even consider yourself a skeptic. I consider myself a natural born skeptic; which partly explains why I was attracted to engineering for my professional career.
Actually, being a skeptic is not all that bad. After all, not every thought, idea, or concept that has been tossed out in the open is all that good for you. In fact, some are downright dangerous and harmful to your health; and, your long term future beyond this life. I figure there is nothing wrong with seeking the truth about anything, so long as I keep an open mind, an open heart and I don’t close myself off to the absolute truth.
I don’t know how you feel about God. Perhaps you haven’t thought about him much. Maybe you have dismissed the “God” concept altogether. You consider God to be a myth or a fairytale taught to impressionable young children who are not yet "mature" in their thinking. Or, you may think God is for the weak, those who need an emotional crutch to make it through life. I personally don’t feel that way at all. My daily walk with the Lord is as real to me as anything I have designed or analyzed during my engineering career. As for needing an emotional crutch, we all need outside help at some point in our lives. What crutch do you use?
This web site represents an accumulation of ideas and thoughts that came to me over the years during my daily devotions. When reading from the Scriptures, Images (or “snapshots”) would often come to my mind. Each graphical image helped me focus in on a specific Biblical truth being taught and helped me to solidify this truth as a secure anchor point for my own personal walk of faith. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words". My hope is that these pictures, "snapshots", will be helpful to you in your walk of faith as well.
Site Owner,
Lonney S. Pauls