Biblical Truth
The Big Bang - A Creation Process

Genesis 1:3, 4 (NIV) “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”

Hebrews 11:3 (LivBible) “By faith – by believing God – we know that the world and the stars – in fact, all things – were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen.”


It seems that religious folk and most scientists are at the polar opposite ends of the belief spectrum. Religious folk (this includes me!) believe everything started from God. God always existed. There was no beginning with God and there will be no end. He is eternal. If you find this idea hard to swallow then try the next one on for size: and, this eternal God created everything that exists today from absolutely nothing! I can already hear the scorn, contempt and ridicule rise from the opposite camp, “Preposterous!" "What a dumb Idea that is!"  "How stupid can you get?” My response to that is, OK, what is the alternative? There really are only two options here, you know, either God did it or he didn’t!

The alternative is what many of our scientists today believe, that God didn’t. They believe that at the very beginning a “mysterious something” existed. This “mysterious something” had no beginning and it has no end. It is eternal. At some point this “mysterious something” violently came together, attacked itself and blew itself up in what is called the “Big Bang”. The exploding debris expanded outward into the void of space, forming the universe as we know it today.

Being a member of the religious camp, it should be my turn to shake my fist in air in scorn, contempt and ridicule yelling, “Preposterous!"  "What a dumb Idea that is!" "How stupid can you get?”  

What about the “Big Bang”, was this a real event in time? Does the Bible even hint to such an event? I believe the Bible does! Look at what the Bible says in Genesis 1:3, “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. God saw that the light was good”. The light God created was no wimpy candle light, or some huge high tech laser beam, no, it was like “BAM!” suddenly there was an enormous amount of light, possibly from a gigantic explosion - like a “Big Bang”! 

But, that is where all of the similarities end. What the Bible tells us is that this was no mere accidental event but was directed and designed by God himself as part of his creation process. From an engineering viewpoint, what better way to distribute mass into the void of space?

“God help me to be open minded enough to accept the truth about your creation. Help me to realize that I am part of your creation and design and that you have specific plans for my life. I am not a product of some huge accident but I was created and designed by a loving God. Give me the wisdom and strength to live up to your plans for me.”