Biblical Truth
The Six Day Event

Genesis Chapter 1 (NIV): The six (6) “days” of creation.


Boy do we like to argue. We like to argue about all kinds of things! Even in religious circles there is no end to the subjects and issues we like to argue and debate. 

Take for example the Biblical account of Creation found in the very first chapter of the Bible. There are some who read this documentary and argue that our universe was created in six (6) literal, 24 hour days - exactly as the Bible says. Others jump right on in and say: “Now wait just a minute here, 2 Peter 3:8 says that with the Lord a day is like a thousand years. This proves that God created the universe in 6,000 years!” And so the debate goes, both sides arguing with facts and figures as if they had been right there at the very beginning taking notes.

Over the years I have learned that these debates about the details of God’s creation are more of a distraction to my faith walk than a real help. Usually they are based on personal beliefs and opinions rather than scientific facts. Really, what does it matter if God created our universe in 6 days, in 6 thousand years, 6 million years or even 6 billion years? The fundamental truth is, God created it! And, he created it in the time frame he chose. It was not just a series of freak accidents as some choose to believe. 

Still, my inquisitive mind wants to know more.
As I have pondered in my own mind the Genesis account, I began to realize that Moses (who wrote the account) was a bit limited in his choice of words to describe what he saw. Back in his day words like snapshot, screen image, picture frame, or video clip were not even invented, so he had to use words that were common to his day. 

Apparently Moses was given some sort of vision about the Creation process. We know that Moses was not given every detail or he would still be trying to write it all down. I believe what Moses saw was six mental “snap shots” or images of the Creation process. Each “snap shot” representing a distinct phase. What better way to describe these phases than to use words he would be familiar with such as, “And there was evening, and there was morning” – the beginning of the next “day” (or snapshot!).

How long did it take for God to complete each phase of his creation? I have no idea! And, neither do you! So, let’s stop arguing about it and just accept (by Faith) the fact that God created it all, in the time frame he chose. He has given us enough information to know that much. 

“God, you have made it abundantly clear to us that you are the Creator God; the God who started it all from nothing and the God who will eventually finish it according to your plan. Help me to have the faith to accept the truth of your Word and align my life to it.”