Biblical Truth

​"God, give me an open mind so that I can better understand you and your ways - and, believe.  Help me to gain a life with purpose and a future.  I don't want to live a life just filled with pointless and futile activites to fill the time.  I invite you to enter my life and show me the way to be fruitful and productive with what you have given me to work with."


Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”


People have come up with all sorts of crazy ideas and theories on how our universe came into existence and how life got started. Some of these ideas have been wrapped in scientific jargon to make them more appealing to our logical minds. 

Actually, when you allow all of the confusing ideas, theories and myths to clear the air we are left with only two logical explanations: 1) God existed from the very beginning and created it all or 2) He didn’t! If it were true that God did not create it all then somehow all of us mysteriously evolved out of nothing through a long series of accidental events. What a pointless existence that would be! 

What we believe about God and the beginning of time becomes a matter of choice rather than a logical deduction based on scientific fact. The choice is really quite simple, either you include God in your thinking and belief system; or, you don’t. Obviously, the choice of many today is to exclude God from their thinking. 

Until I personally get a handle on and accept the basic truth of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, nothing about God will make much sense to me and the
Choose Your Belief System Well
rest of the Bible will become totally irrelevant to my life. It will be nothing more than a compilation of interesting old stories, fables and myths.