Biblical Truth

Genesis Chapter 1 (NIV):

•   (Day 0) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth……. and God said, ‘let there be light' and there was light…..”

​•   (Day 1) “and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day”.

•   (Day 2) “And God said, ‘let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water’…….. God called the expanse ‘sky’…..  

•   (Day 3) “And God said, ‘let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear’…..”

•   (Day 4) “And God said, ‘let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night ……”

•   (Day 5) “And God said, ‘let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky’.....”

•   (Day 6) “And God said, ‘let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground….. And it was so. Then God said, ‘let us make man in our image, in our likeness ….. So God created man in his own image …. male and female he created them.”

Hebrews 11:3 (LivBible) “By faith – by believing God – we know that the world and the stars – in fact, all things – were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen.”

“God, give me that Faith that allows me to put aside my pet ideas and theories and just believe what your Word says.  You have given us plenty of evidence to prove your existence and have created in each one of us the common sense to understand it.”
The Creation Process

Many today scoff at the creation story. “It is too simplistic”, they claim. “It is too childish, too immature, too un-sophisticated”. So, they reject the God centered account of creation in favor of a more “sophisticated”, a more “logical”, a more “enlightened”, a more “scientific” explanation. 

You do remember the other story don’t you? You were taught it in school. It was presented to you by your science teacher as a scientifically proven fact. It was even printed in your science text book. You know the story I am talking about; the story of Evolution! 

The story goes something like this: at the very beginning of time a massive explosion occurred. Science refers to this event as the “Big Bang”. The exploding debris from the “Big Bang” expanded into the then empty space; eventually forming the celestial bodies we know today. By some extraordinary means (no one knows exactly how!) one small celestial body, called Earth, evolved itself into an environment capable of producing and supporting life.

 Suddenly, out of nowhere, life started popping up. First in very simplistic, microscopic forms but eventually after billions of years of more trial and error evolved itself into the sophisticated, enlightened, deep thinking human beings we are today.

To the extent that smart, educated people go to explain away the existence of a creative God is truly amazing, the extent they allow their imaginations to run wild to support their ideas and theories is truly laughable, and the audacity of these people to actually teach this to our children as scientifically proven fact is down right fraudulent! Believing in a creative God  just makes more sense.